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My Current State

I actually sighed while writing this first sentence. Im this close to giving up. Ive missed so much school I feel like Im not existing in any of my classes, im not used to being this far behind. I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT CODING. You know, the thing we need in order to make the game that we need to be completed by the end of the year. Uuuuugh im gonna cry just thinking about it. Hopefully I can get some inspiration once I actually start. Luckily if I get my board game stuff done I can focus on everything else more accurately. You ever feel like you're getting lost in life? anyways, Looking at coding, It seems....Even more complicated than I ever imagined. You have to look at every single letter and number of code just to be sure that what you want to happen and when actually happens. Im still not entirely sure how Unity will do things automatically for creators though. My game has menu screens and teleportation systems so im interested in seeing how im going to have to code all of these things, and that's not even the half of it! wish me luck programer gods.

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