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Coding huh? AH

Well we've got a short one for today guys. I AM DYING. Coding is tearing me apart. We are currently working in unity and I myself am trying to make a scene that features a ball counter into a game. After texturing the basket counter and the floor and the balls, I coded the score counter and now im struggling my astronaut off to make it so the balls disappear once they hit the ground. Believe it or not, HARDEST PART. I thought you would just have to make it so that once they collide with another surface, they destroy themselves. So, Oncollision, destroy game object. NOPE, I don't remember the whole code so I can't type it here, but you can see the simplicity of this code, and IT IS NOT WORKING. I know my teacher is tired of me asking for assistance for something this basic. I know for a fact that next year is gonna suck, but ive been in this line of course since 9th grade, frick if i'm quitting now, even if I do suck.

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