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Flowing in Animal murde- I mean Monster Hunter World

Okay so, Flow is this thing that players get while playing games that's somewhere in between a game not being so infuriatingly challenging, yet challenging and intriguing enough so that the games not boring. Personally, I think the lore is one of the biggest parts in any game, BUT if the game doesn't have a combat system of user interface that I don't think is that interesting, no amount of lore in the universe will get me to keep playing it. The game I chose to cover was Monster Hunter World. I did this because not only did I enjoy the game, I believe reaching a state of flow In this game, is more of a personal journey rather than that of the game. Of course Monster Hunter is not the game for everyone since it has its own flaws and everyone has their own preference, HOWEVER, Monster Hunter is also a game that requires the player to evolve with it. In order to reach flow, you can make an INFINITE number of decisions. Your weapon choice, your fashion and armor choices, the people you play with, your favored places to explore, and ESPECIALLY the hunts. There are so many ways you can take down a monster, though when you fight one that is especially challenging, it can be where the Frustration/Boredom can come. However once you DO kill that monster, eventually you will have to fight it again, and every time you defeat it, you as a player (Or in a cooler term "Hunter") are getting better. Learning the monsters move-set, what parts you should attack, the patterns of its attacks, how you should prepare, The moment you as a Hunter consider all of these things and truly engage yourself in that hunt. I personally believe you have achieved Flow. When you begin the game you get to the character creation menu, which actually....isn't half bad. Given how you can customize things from a very detailed manner I guess there isn't a lot to complain about. Immediately after starting the game you are given something called "Guardian Armor" its an Armor set that was made for new players to easily get through the game and spend 50$ on the Iceberg Expansion. Clever, but it makes the game boring and easy and people who get that far without a challenge might not WANT to buy the expansion sooo. Once you get to the Forest you fight a couple low tier monsters on separate hunts. IMMEDIATLY once you get blueprints for different armor and weapons that look and preform REALLY WELL, you realize that the game might not always be so kind and give you the piece from the monster you need in order to build these weapons, after so...many...runs. Anger. After a While you run into a milestone which is the fight against Zora Magdaros you will encounter multiple monsters that will interrupt and invade hunts hereby after and BOY OH BOY IS THAT DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH AND RAGE INDUCING. After this however you reach a new level in the games eyes where you are further encouraged to do multiplayer and fight Higher level and new monsters. They usually have augments like their attacks will apply poison or do more damage, which on one hand can be pretty fun mastering their fights though it can also be incredibly tedious and boring, and on the other OTHER hand it can be so incredibly hard to beat that you'll feel like throwing your Console out the window. After this process until you beat them all (or only the ones you need to proceed in the campaign) You fight the Ultimate battle against the strongest and biggest monster you have faced so far. Unfortunately the fight against XenoJiva is a pretty bland fight. He is big, slow, and he's blue. There isn't much to it except he has 10000000000000000000 Health and it takes years to kill him. Its TOO Boring. Welp that's pretty much my Flow chart of Monster Hunter World. If you have any opinions ore facts that disagree with me. Good for you.

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