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African American Sand wasteland (Black Desert)

If you know anything about RPG's you know Bandai is an absolute mistress. THIS GAME falls under that plethora of games that is quite good for a while, and then a bunch of flaws and questionable design choices become unearthed, AND IN ALMOST EVERY GAME like this, there is some cheesy and annoying tactic in the game that will tell you "HEY, SPEND YOUR MONEY" anyways, Black Desert Online is a sandbox-oriented fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Korean video game developer Pearl Abyss and originally published for Microsoft Windows in 2015. Now you might be wondering why I brought up Bandai when this game is made by Pearl Abyss, my answer is, ive played too many Bandai to NOT get a feeling for them in these anime style RPG's. You start the game by opening a menu and customizing your character, you can choose from a LOT of classes, though there seem to be classes that are exclusive to your sex. A lot of these classes are literally copies of each other, with the only thing being different is that you can be a guy or a girl. Then you customize your star sign then your features, and finally your name. That last part will be quick assuming your name is FRICKING AVAILABLE. You spawn in after a few lore cutscenes and some dialogue, you arrive at your first location. The map in this game is ENORMOUS, even with HOURS of gameplay you will hardly visit any of the places in the game. You can equip armor pieces and learn new abilities based off your level and class, you can play with other people (a feature I always love) ride animals, fight bosses, and I must admit the graphics aren't that terrible. THE BUGS ARE UNREAL. sometimes you just won't be able to move for like 9 minutes, sometimes your loading screen will take an additional 10 minutes, sometimes you'll just die FOR NO REASON, and sometimes your progress will just disappear for no reason. Anyways.....Thats pretty much all I can say without spoiling the experience. There is AN AMAZING AMOUNT OF CONTENT in this game and I can say that ive had an enjoyable time playing this with a friend of mine.

7.6/10 would die from getting mobbed by a million enemies because the game made me stand still because of a bug again. Even though I don't want to.

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